World Orphanage Foundation
World Orphanage Foundation (WOF) is a non-religious, non-political, non-profit USA-based organization founded in 2011 that focuses to make the world a better place for the needy. WOF aims to empower women and children to raise their voices and make changes. It targets children of multi-ethnic, multi Socio-economic backgrounds and gifts them with a pathway towards higher education, accelerated learning, and opportunities to progress as one human race.
The organization holds fundraising events annually to benefit the underprivileged. As of today, the organization has a track record of helping over 100,000 families in Afghanistan, India, Africa, and the United States of America. In addition to creating job opportunities, building water wells, helping with education, and distributing food packages to vulnerable families, this organization is currently building a boarding school for Afghan orphans. Moreover, the organization has been very productive in the agriculture sector
Our Mission:
World Orphanage Foundation targets children of multi-ethnic, multi socio-economic backgrounds to gift them a pathway towards higher education, accelerated learning opportunities to progress as one human race.
Our Vision:
By creating charter schools for these kids, we will empower them to have a better future and prepare the opportunity for them to be helpful for the same kids of their own background.
- To create social awareness among youth worldwide.
- To build charter schools
- To provide media outlets for orphanages and other child welfare institutions worldwide.