Tzedek DC
Tzedek DC’s name is drawn from the ancient Jewish teaching “Tzedek, tzedek tirdof,” or “Justice, justice you shall pursue.” Launched in 2017 by founder and current Director Ariel Levinson-Waldman as a nonprofit public interest center headquartered at the UDC David A. Clarke School of Law, Tzedek DC also has offices in Ward 8. Tzedek DC’s mission is to safeguard the legal rights and financial health of DC residents with lower incomes facing the often-devastating consequences of debt collection and credit-related obstacles. Tzedek DC seeks to serve and empower our DC community client base, comprised of 90% Black residents, 60% women, and 25% disabled DC community members. Our approach combines (i) free direct legal and financial counseling services, (ii) working in coalition to make systemic change, and (iii) providing multi-lingual community education. Since 2017, Tzedek DC has served over 3,000 DC client households in legal and financial counseling matters and catalyzed systemic reforms benefiting hundreds of thousands of DC residents.