Tyne Rivers Trust
Tyne Rivers Trust is a registered environmental charity dedicated to improving the River Tyne and its catchment, an area that encompasses Northumberland, Cumbria, Newcastle, Gateshead, North Tyneside, South Tyneside and County Durham.
We improve the wellbeing of the Tyne rivers and people through raising awareness and understanding about rivers and encourage people to enjoy and take action to look after their local river. We reduce pollution, reconnect rivers with their floodplain, create and improve wildlife habitats and remove barriers to fish passage. We do this by working alongside landowners, local communities, local businesses, schools and official bodies such as the Environment Agency, Natural England, Forestry England and local authorities. We also have over 200 volunteers who share our passion for looking after our rivers and who carry out practical tasks that improve habitat and make the river a better place to be.