The Nature Connection

Hello! Just wanted to take a quick second to introduce The Nature Connection to you - We’re a non-profit nature center that has been part of the Concord, MA community for over 40 years that provides therapeutic & educational nature programs. Our focus is on building community and inspiring wonder through nature to promote mental health, social connection, and a deeper bond between people and nature.

Most of our work is as a traveling program, we primarily work with youth in therapeutic schools & residential settings, day centers for adults and seniors with disabilities and/or medical care needs, and memory care units for elders with dementia/Alzheimer's. BUT we do also have some opportunities for anyone and everyone to get some restful & restorative time with nature; and those are here on Eventbrite!

Founded in 1983, The Nature Connection grew out of a belief that we are all connected through nature, that this connection can restore a sense of wholeness and a sense of place, and that this connection is both elemental and essential. Having a relationship with nature, its cycles and endless inspiration can give us the grounding we need to come through difficulty - whether that a single difficult day or far to many of them. The Nature Connection creates and holds the space for nature’s capacity to teach and heal.

The Nature Connection is a 501c(3) non-profit organization. All registration fees directly support programs for you and other in need of nature.

Upcoming (1)

Past (84)
