Silent Wake, LLC

Established in 2018, one of our main missions is to create safer and more knowledgeable kayakers on the waters. We offer a rather unique service to our participants, which you may not find just anywhere. Think of us as a kayak outfitter and educator - offering safe and delightful experiences for everyone from beginners to advanced. Our location for both water and lodging makes your journey certain to please.

Why choose us? We value your safety - we will never place you in a harmful paddle environment or situation. The staff maintains current CPR/First Aid certification, well versed in our paddling locations, and are both members of the American Canoe Association (ACA). Our high quality gear is always clean and in working order and personally sized for each individual paddler. Silent Wake is fully insured, holds a valid state business license, and is led by an ACA certified kayak instructor.

All classes will have a maximum of 1 instructor to 5 students - as this is the maximum safe ratio by ACA standards. At times throughout the year, I (Daren) will be aided by additional skilled paddlers, or ACA instructors, if there are more students to instructors.

I have been told in the past, in order to be an efficient paddler - one must have a quiet paddle and a quiet boat. A wake from a kayak reminds us of where we have been, and how we continue to strive for greatness. Let us be your inspiration for future endeavors.

Upcoming (14)

Past (3)
