Shaerica Walder Ministries
Prophetess Shaerica Laine Walder, also an Evangelist, Pastor, Certified Life Coach, Certified Phlebotomist and Instructor, CEO, Self-Taught MUA, Best Selling Author, and Official You Version Partner. She is a lover of God and the people of God! Prophetess Walder has a passion for winning souls for Christ, and she believes in standing as watchmen in prayer for will of God to manifest in the earth.
Prophetess Shaerica is happily married to Apostle Donnell Walder III, and their blended family includes 4 beautiful children! She is the founder and CEO of Prophetess Shaerica Laine Ministries, a ministry in which she is dedicated to helping women from all walks of life understand their worth in Jesus Christ! She is the CEO of Walder Enterprises, where her business is targeted to break the mindset of poverty, educate on credit, and equip people to obtain wealth through kingdom principles! As the visionary and founder of Faith And Credit Academy™️ she has helped many change their mindsets and lives by restoring their credit! She is a certified life coach who specializes in professional, spiritual, and cognitive behavioral coaching. Her 7 week Overcoming Life Coaching program has helped many break through demonic cycles.
She believes in being a virtuous woman according to Proverbs 31:10 and strives to walk in a manner that is worthy of her calling. Prophetess Walder lives by her motto that she is who she is today because she realized that she was nothing without God. It is in God she lives, move, and has her being!