Sac Valley Young and Emerging Planners (YEP)

The Young and Emerging Planners (YEP) are a subcommittee of the Sacramento Valley Section of the California Chapter of the American Planning Association (APA CA).

Membership provides a forum for students and emerging planners to engage peers and more experienced professionals in the Sacramento Valley region. YEP cultivates young professionals through career building programs, social events, and mentoring opportunities on today’s issues and trends while developing leadership on the issues of tomorrow.

As the first Young and Emerging Planners group in the nation, the Sacramento Valley Section YEP is the model program for other APA chapters throughout California and the nation. The Sacramento Valley YEP is not only shaping a new component of the APA, but also providing young professionals and students with opportunities to learn more about planning and related fields; be mentored and build strong careers; and expand social and professional networks.

If you are interested in learning more about the Sacramento Valley Section Young and Emerging Planners, please e-mail us at:

Upcoming (1)

Past (71)
