Quad Communities Development Corporation

The mission of QCDC is to convene residents, organizations, businesses, and institutions within the Quad Communities to plan, guide, support, and monitor human infrastructure and community development activities in order to create a sustainable, healthy, mixed-income neighborhood. Quad Communities includes North Kenwood, Oakland, part of Douglas and part of Grand Boulevard. Our goals are to grow the local economy by continuing to provide individualized, high-touch, impactful, and practical education and training tools for local businesses and to drive future development of existing and new infrastructure, streetscape, retail and commercial spaces, and commerce.


Photography & Video Notice: By registering for QCDC events, you acknowledge that photography and video recording may take place. You grant QCDC permission to use your image for promotional and marketing purposes.

Cell Phone Numbers: By providing your cell phone number, you consent to being added to QCDC’s SMS texting database for event updates and communications.

Data Privacy: We respect your privacy and do not sell or share your data with third parties. Your information is used solely for QCDC communications and event-related purposes.

Upcoming (5)

Past (81)
