NY Minute Dating
NY Minute Dating is New York's leader in speed dating and singles events. With over 350,000 members and 40 events per month, we are the largest and most active singles events company in the East Coast. We specialize in hosting speed dating events for single professionals based on crietria such as age group, educational levels, interests and lifestyles, to name a few. We also host some of the largest singles parties in town for New Years Eve, Halloween, and Valentine's Day.
Events for:
Singles ages 20s
Singles ages 30s
Singles ages 40s
Single Professionals
Singles with Advanced Degrees
Interracial Dating
Asian Singles
African American Singles
Indian Singles
Latino Singles
Christian Singles
Catholic Singles
Jewish Singles
Muslim Singles
Older Women/Younger Men
Older Men/Younger Women
Cougars & Cubs
Singles Mixers
Singles Parties
Singles Cruises
***And much more***