Nancy La Briosa Crupi, PhD

Doctor A. Nancy Crupi is a scientist and a psychic, a kundalini awakened spiritual guide, a shamanic healer, and a published book author.

PhD in Biological Sciences and Muscle Biology, Master in Clinical Studies, Postdoc in Aging, Nutrition, and Metabolic Disorders, biomedical scientist, published author, certified NLP practitioner, holistic coach, empaths coach and empathy trainer, narcissistic abuse recovery coach, public speaker, social media content creator, influencer, food blogger, entrepreneur, chef, fitness & wellness passionate, empath, Italian permanent resident in the USA, bilingual (italian, english, some spanish). After 14 years of scientific research trying to find the cure to human pathologies ranging from rare diseases to obesity, metabolic disorders, cognitive decline, cancer, aging, and more, I have realized that we already know what the cure is: love. We already know everything we need to know and our body and mind have all the tools we need to heal, we just must get out of the continuous stress we are put through and start loving ourself, reconnecting with our body and mind, heal our traumas, reconnect with others, reconnect with the Universe, remember once and for all that we are the whole, and we're fabulous.

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