Mindful Journaling

Hi, I am Sonya Bergeron, hospice veteran liaison, endorsed by the Religious Naturalist Association and a member of the Unitarian Universalist Society of Community Ministries. I came to know grief after the death of my youngest son in July 2013. During my journey through grief, I saw that I was not alone in my suffering. Many people suffer because someone that they love has died. I now understand the pain of grief at a non-conceptual level. I know this pain, but have learned to embrace living.

My intent in offering this monthly journaling workshop is to help others see that they too can learn to live with grief and whole-heartedly embrace living. My work as an interfaith chaplain is to support all people in their understanding of the sacred -- no matter what they believe or do not believe.

You don't have to make this journey of grief alone.

Member of the Religious Naturalis Association

Member of the Unitarian Universalist Society for Community Ministries

Upcoming (1)

Past (34)
