Melody Cohn

Melody Cohn has been working in the healing arts since 2014 with becoming a certified facilitator for Chakradance Moving Meditation. With this she started holding meditation spaces for others to attend and release unwanted energies that are stuck in our mind, body & spirit. This meditation is a powerful way to recharge and reach your higher good. Melody then studied reiki and has been practicing this for greater balance. Melody majored in music in school and has always had a musical ear so when her husband gifted her a first set of singing bowls, she took to it like a fish in water. Melody started having soundhealing sessions and in the summer of 2022, Melody had an awakening to have a soundbath meditation and for participants to float on comfortable luxury loungers on the water. Participants are in love with the way the vibrations travel around the body as you float around and receive a full-on vortex of vibrational sound while the water element is assisting you with its vibrations. Melody is a spiritual woman that loves holding space for others to attend and receive beautiful, magical divine vibrations. Holding space is very important to her and any event that she is holding has been energetically built up for days with prayer and intention to ensure that it is sacred for participants. Melody believes that we should be cleansing our energy fields several times a day as we are energetic beings, and we pick up energy everywhere we go and from everyone we see. If we give from a balanced plate we have much more to offer to others around us especially when we are full of good intentional energy.

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