Kingston Congregational Church

The Mission Statement of the Kingston Congregational Church is very simple: Following Jesus, we will LOVE FIRST. Love God. Love people. Love the world.

We live with constant awareness that the timeless God of our faith calls us into a new and challenging future of devotion and service, so we seek to open ourselves to discerning God’s word for our present time and for the future God would have for us. And we warmly welcome all who would be with us, traveling companions in the Spirit, as we share the future of God’s kingdom among us.

KCC serves the local community through outreach to URI students, food pantry collections, free Community Dinners, SCRIP purchases, Messy Church, and more. Well known for its music program, KCC welcomes musicians from far and near to perform in our worship services, community events, and in special concerts called KCC Concerts. We can't wait to welcome you!

Upcoming (1)

Past (7)
