Journal of Expressive Writing
The Journal of Expressive Writing is the first online literary journal to publish expressive writing, free writing, non-fiction, personal essay, memoir, reflective essay, poetry, prose, contemplative discourse, and creative non-fiction—all that originate from a writing prompt—by both established and emerging writers.
The Journal of Expressive Writing is committed to diversity, equity, inclusion, justice, and anti-racism. The Journal supports communities and writers of color—and all writers. The Journal of Expressive Writing actively seeks and welcomes the writing of Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC), Asian and South-Asian writers, women, the LGBTQIA+ community, persons with disabilities, religious minorities—and people at the intersections of these identities—as well as all individuals across the full spectrum of writing backgrounds, experiences, education, and talents.
The Journal of Expressive Writing is more than a publication. We aim to be an engaged and supportive community of writers and listeners. Giving our focused attention to each other’s voices, stories, and writing is a generous, necessary act of humanity, repair, and celebration. As such, we offer a monthly Open Mic (via Zoom) to share writing and listen by our published authors, as well as featured and notable authors across genres. All of these events are FREE to attend and OPEN TO ALL, but you do need to Pre-Register via eventbrite.
Read more about our staff on the website.