Glenda Huston

Glenda Huston guides people to discover and express their gifts. As a SoulCollage® Facilitator, Full Voice Coach, singer, and officiant, Glenda invites groups and individuals to experience more meaning and joy in living. She founded SoulMusique in 2011 to serve as home for all of her offerings.

As a SoulCollage® Facilitator since 2009, Glenda has guided hundreds of people to tap into their deep wisdom through imagery. She received her facilitator's training from SoulCollage® founder, Seena Frost in 2009 and offers ongoing retreats, classes, and solstice and equinox events.

As a certified Full Voice Coach, she helps people find their voice, whatever that means to them. She has studied with Full Voice founder, Barbara McAfee, since 2008 and has offered this transformational work to both individuals and groups.

A lifelong musician, Glenda taps the power of music in all of her work. She sang her first solo at the age of three, studied music in college, and sang for decades with elite choirs in the Twin Cities. She appeared with one of them on A Prairie Home Companion and was also honored to share the stage with Dave Brubeck. She now offers her voice as a soloist for weddings, funerals, and other rituals. In recent years, she has co-created a number of original songs with her voice coach, Barbara McAfee.

Glenda is an ordained officiant with a gift for creating rituals that honor the participants with beauty, meaning, and hospitality. Her experience includes weddings, funerals, baby blessings, house blessings, and unique ceremonies designed in partnership with clients.

Glenda brings deep and diverse knowledge and experience to all of her work:

Organizing and leading tours in Belize and Guatemala for 6 years

Personal life coach training

Psychic development with Marie Burgeson

Qi Gong with Master Chunyi Lin

Mystery School with Jean Houston

Sacred Theater with Peggy Nash Rubin

Travel to Malta with Jennifer Berezan

Providing administration for numerous organizations including the Minnesota Opera, the Minnesota Orchestra, doctors, attorneys, and financial professionals.​

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Past (43)
