Get Your Teach On

Get Your Teach On (GYTO) specializes in professional development and encouragement for educators and administrators in the form of conferences, workshops and events. GYTO conferences are known for their passionate celebration of teachers and their ability to inspire life-long learners. Founded in 2016, GYTO now hosts National Conferences, Regional Conferences, Virtual Conferences, and additional events for a wide variety of educators and school administrators each year. GYTO is also the parent organization for the worldwide Rock Your School initiative which encourages out of the box teaching. Today, GYTO is led by educators and authors Hope and Wade King.

Hope & Wade KingHope and Wade King are both passionate educators who have found tremendous success with students from a variety of backgrounds by creating an environment that supports and encourages strong academic improvement and achievement. They have built their classroom on the foundation of student engagement powered by academic rigor. Hope and Wade are authors of The Wild Card – a book that has taken the education community by storm. Hope and Wade travel the country working to help teachers make school a place where students WANT to learn each and every day. Hope is also a co-founder of Get Your Teach On – a conference for educators.

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