Gabe White
Gabriel White is a defensive handgun instructor and competitive shooter in the Pacific Northwest. Gabe comes from a pure private citizen background and seeks to develop students' technical and tactical excellence in the training he provides. Gabe s
Current Chief Instructor of Public Range FTU and public defensive handgun training program for Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office at the Public Safety Training Center in Clackamas, Oregon -
Adjunct Instructor at Oregon Firearms Academy in Brownsville, Oregon
Master class in USPSA Limited Division shooting carry gear from concealment
Master class in GSSF
FAST Challenge Coinholder #09
One of only four people worldwide to clean the Rogers Shooting School Test
Only person worldwide to clean the Rogers Shooting School Test from concealment
LFI Judicious Use of Deadly Force Instructor
NRA-certified Pistol Instructor
Over 800 hours of formal defensive handgun and emergency training as a student
Defensive handgun practitioner since 1999
Defensive handgun instructor since 2007
"My truest qualification is that I love defensive pistol training and skill development. I am a student first and I am always a student. I love to study and practice to increase my own skills and preparedness for self-defense, and I love to work with others interested in doing the same. It is my belief that there is no such thing as being too good at fighting for your life with a pistol. It is with that mindset that I guide my students with me on a few steps down the path."