Friends & Families of Mark Springer & George Maier

The MSGM Scholarship Fund will award annual scholarships to select Haddon Township High School seniors who have shown the ability to lead by example, while maintaining a positive attitude and with a history of community service. The fund will also award a second scholarship to a handicapped or special needs student who shows awesome character by not allowing their challenges to stop them from excelling at their sports or activities.

This fund was started by  a small group of men who grew up in Haddon Township, went to school, hung out and played various sports together.

Many of them have been friends since kindergarten, some before. They feel fortunate to have held on to these friendships for so many years. Over the years, several of their friends have passed away, all much too soon. None of the deaths affected them quite the same as when Mark and George left them.

Mark and George were excellent parents, sons, husbands, business owners, teachers, coaches and responsible citizens. Their friends were in awe of what the two men accomplished in life. Both always led by example, and their friends loved them like brothers.

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