FilmGate Miami

As a film organization from Miami, inclusivity and diversity is a fundamental part of what makes us who we are. Our city is a melting pot of different cultures and influences that have inevitably come to define its identity. To deny that in our own organization would undermine everything that makes our city great. This is why IFCM Corp. is committed to developing and maintaining a diverse staff that can bring in all the unique backgrounds and perspectives that make the film world of today such an interesting place to be.

Led by the executive director, Diliana Alexander, and an engaged board, IFCM Corp is committed to a policy of equal employment opportunity and does not discriminate on account of race, age, sexual orientation, place of origin, physical or mental disability, or religious affiliation, or otherwise.

We are committed to maintaining an inclusive, safe, and supportive workplace that is free of any such harassment and discrimination against staff members, volunteers, or agency clients. Harassment or intimidation of a client, staff person, or guest because of that person’s account of race, age, sexual orientation, place of origin, physical or mental disability, or religious affiliation is strictly prohibited and may be grounds for termination. Harassment and intimidation include abusive, foul, or threatening language or behavior and inappropriate and unwelcome comments.

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