Fantasy Theatre Factory
Our Mission
Fantasy Theatre Factory (FTF) is dedicated to creating original quality educational programs for children and families and to making these programs accessible to more people of all cultures and backgrounds.
Incorporated since 1982, Fantasy Theatre Factory's Mission is to cultivate, foster, sponsor and develop appreciation, understanding, taste and love of theatre arts among the general public- with a special emphasis on serving children. Literature and Environmental Education are core components of Fantasy Theatre Factory’s Mission.
FTF strives to encourage and support artists, teachers and students in their creative endeavors; to stimulate the imagination and set the conditions for creative thinking; to think globally and to practice environmental conservancy.
To reach the greatest number of people with our programs, Fantasy Theatre Factory operates two major wings of programming: In-House Programs at our home venue, The Sandrell Rivers Theater, and touring theatre outreach, traveling throughout Florida, the Southeast and Internationally to theatres, schools, fairs, libraries and outdoor festivals. Through our In-House Programs and Touring Theatre Outreach, FTF makes it possible to bring arts, culture and environmental education into urban and rural neighborhoods both locally and beyond.
FTF places high programmatic emphasis on serving traditionally under-served audiences, including children with disabilities, children & families in at-risk & low-income neighborhoods, LGBTQ families & youth and hospitalized children. In recognition of FTF’s goal of serving these underserved constituencies, FTF has created Project Smile, which offers free programming in area hospitals and the ACCESS (Arts & Culture for Community Engagement Special Series) umbrella of programs, which seeks grant funding to further FTF’s ability to create new programs customized to these under-served constituencies.