Danielle Krey | Energy Coach, Astrologer, Crystals

The Purpose of My Work

I teach, coach, and guide spiritual, growth-oriented individuals in the art & science of vibrational living. Everything is energy. Everything that materializes in our life is a reflection of underlying vibrational patterns in the Unified field. My services ultimately help you understand your energy field, how it's creating your life, and how to shift the frequency of your energy field to align with the life you want to attract and create.

Learn more about my work here!

About Me

Hi, I'm Danielle. I have a BS in Forensic Psychology and additional training in the field of Quantum Physics and Astrology. I found my way to this work because I've struggled with people-pleasing behaviors and codependency since I could form relationships with others. The bulk of my life was spent trying not to be myself and instead being what I thought others wanted me to be. I squished myself in a box so many times, and each and every time I did this, I dishonored the core of my being even further. I had spent so much time trying to be what everyone else wanted of me that I didn't even know who I was at all. Astrology, and more specifically, my natal chart, was the catalyst for me deepening my self-understanding and finding the star-lit path home to my heart. I realized on my path that the more I denied, camouflaged, or belittled parts of myself, the more created a life that felt dull, uninspiring, and disconnected from who I am. The more I embraced my truth and individuality, energetically vibrating in harmony with my heart, the more I created a life that I was madly in love with. I want everyone to know that it is possible, and you do deserve to live an amazing life full of passion, joy, meaningful connections, and authentic purpose. It's how we serve the world best.

I am a Cosmic Counselor, Galactic Guide, and Quantum Life Coach. I'm not your average Astrologer or Crystal practitioner. The foundational values of my work include authenticity, openness, curiosity, and connection. We are all on this grand journey together, and I seek to support you in listening to your own heart and having the courage to follow it even when it means—especially when it means—breaking out of the status quo. My work is all about discovering a bigger, brighter, and truer version of who you are.

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