The Conference Of Minority Transportation Officials (COMTO) is the nation’s only multi-modal advocacy organization for minority professionals and businesses in the transportation industry. COMTO is in a unique position to be involved and speak on behalf of minority professionals and businesses on the cutting edge of transportation issues that are sweeping the nation.

Since its inception, COMTO has continued to evolve to become the premier organization for the training, education and professional development of minority transportation professionals. The true measure of how far COMTO has come is revealed by the talent, tenacity and accomplishments of the members who have joined forces to correct the inequities of the past and chart the direction of the future.

The founders, leaders and dedicated workers whose original vision formed the foundation of the organization would be proud of where COMTO stands today. COMTO has 40 chapters across the country and members encompassing individuals, organizations, transportation agencies, nonprofits and Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUBs); and members of COMTO serve in every sector of the transportation industry.

Upcoming (2)

Past (7)
