Chrysta Bairre
Chrysta Bairre is a dynamic keynote speaker and author of the book, Beautiful Badass: How To Believe In Yourself Against The Odds. Chrysta has presented to audiences of 30 - 300+ at Ignite Denver, Boulder Startup Week, Fort Collins Startup Week, Northern Colorado Women’s Small Business Conference, General Assembly Denver, Polkadot Powerhouse Celebration, Aurora Chamber of Commerce Women In Business, and more than 100 other events and organizations.
Chrysta is also the founder of She Goes High, a 1,000+ member women’s leadership community for introverts in Northern Colorado.
She is a 2016 and 2017 participant and facilitator of Larimer County Women of the Year program.
Her book, Beautiful Badass: How to Believe in Yourself Against the Odds, shares stories and lessons from overcoming poverty and depression in this guide for women who want to take command of their destinies and no longer fall prey to the hardships and setbacks that previously defined them.
Learn more about Chrysta at Live Love Work.