CENTERGY is a manufacturer’s representative firm in the commercial & industrial HVAC market sectors serving central & eastern PA, southern New Jersey and Delaware. We consult with mechanical & plumbing engineers and work with sheet metal & mechanical contractors, as well as end-users. Our product offering has expanded significantly and includes hydronic & steam boilers, water heaters, pumps, heat exchangers, tanks, venting and mechanical draft products. Our mix of manufacturers allows us to provide products & services for all applications, and we are proud to represent some of the highest quality manufacturers in the industry.

Our goal remains the same – to provide superior customer service and long-term, easy to maintain, high-efficiency equipment. We pride ourselves on providing quality products & innovative system solutions through technical expertise & exemplary customer service.

CENTERGY is dedicated to operating under its core values of integrity, teamwork, customer & manufacturer partnerships, company growth, and development of its team members. We are fortunate to have experienced, passionate & dedicated sales staff, and we look forward to growing and maintaining our strong customer relationships for years to come.

Thank you for visiting our website and learning about CENTERGY.

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