Cari Campbell
Hello All,
My name is Cari Campbell and I am the mother of Logan that has Angelman Syndrome. I doing a Walk-a-thon fundraiser to help support the Angelman Syndrome Foundation to help with funds to support Logan and all the other individuals with AS. The foundation is a non-profit organization and want to help in anyway that I can to support the foundation. When I was in a bind into getting Logan a safety bed to protect him during the night and since he has a sleeping disorder and would wonder during the night, they stepped in and helped us receive the bed. This has been a God sent with having this. So, this is what one thing that the foundation does to help the individual with AS and their families. This mission is to raise funds so us families and individuals receive and get the support that is needed. Thank you for concerning helping with this fundraise.
Much love from,
My angel Logan and Cari