Bluegrass IIBA Chapter

The Bluegrass IIBA Chapter is a non-profit professional association established in August 2013 to serve the business community of the great Commonwealth of Kentucky, known as the Bluegrass State. We welcome professionals of all disciplines who deliver organizational change including business analysis, business management, project management, product management, quality assurance and control, change management, consultants and recruiters.

The Bluegrass IIBA Chapter brings a business analysis program to the great Commonwealth of Kentucky, known as the Bluegrass State. We are the local chapter of the world-wide professional association for business analysis professionals, International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA®). We are here to bring together the Bluegrass community of professionals who deliver organizational change to promote best practices in delivering better business outcomes

The Objectives of the Bluegrass IIBA Chapter are to:

  • Champion Business Analysis excellence by providing an educational program, promoting best practices, and creating opportunities for local practitioners to grow personally and professionally.
  • Develop Business Analysis practitioners and leaders who deliver organizational results.
  • Cultivate alliances with organizations in the community to advance the profession in the Bluegrass.
  • Provide networking opportunities for business professionals to learn from each other.

Upcoming (1)

Past (119)

