The Association of Women and Minority Businesses (AWMB)’s mission is to increase the net worth of women and minority businesses while advocating with organizations we engage and do business with for diversity, equity, inclusion, and transparency.
AWMB board members come from various backgrounds, industries and extensive experience advocating for small, women and minority owned businesses throughout their careers and the uniqueness of the common passion and faith in BIPOC small businesses.
Founded on the premise for a more coordinated approach and bridging the gap in serving a wider network of underserved businesses in the contracting community.
Irene Reyes, better known as “The Glove Lady”, minority community engaged, advocate, Founder and CEO of Excel Supply Company started AWMB in 2016, a Washington State non-profit corporation 501 (C) (6) when she felt that there is a great and urgent need for more amplified advocates for women, BIPOC minority businesses that have experienced and are confronted with the barriers of equity, inclusion, equality, and transparency in procurement and contracting both in the public and private sectors. With almost three decades as a business owner, Ms. Reyes best relates to the various barriers while bidding and winning contracts with state, local and federal government. After several meetings with the initial four board members, lawyers, and advocates, she was inspired and relentless in her quest to have an organization that serves as an accelerator, incubator and amplifier for women, minority and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) owned small businesses.
For additional information on how to become a member, volunteer, or an advocate. Email : or