Apostle Linda Wilde/Beauty for Ashes Ministries
As an apostle of the faith, God has called and commisioned me as a stewart of Beauty for Ashes Ministries Global. My mandate is to preach the Gospel, teach the women of God, and lead women by providing mentorship and support as we contend in the faith of Jesus Christ. Under Beauty for Ashes, Ministries are Beauty for Ashes Academy, W.O.W. Women of Worth, The Calling Ministry, and S.O.A.R. Sisters Operating According to Righteousness Women's Ministry. We are a charitable community committed to empowering women from social and economic disadvantages and "living Healthier, and Wholistically in the Kingdom of God.
On my journey, I have encountered many Christians and non-Christians who struggle to answer their calling from God. The primary struggle is that numerous individuals do not know their calling. Many are trying to discover their purposes here on earth without consulting the One who created them. Countless people are wondering whether they are on the right track. Some are just going through the motions living their lives as if they know their purpose. Others are going about feeling empty, hollow, and unfulfilled. Even some who are operating in the things of God have this sense" of, "Huh, something is missing." These questions may arise in one's heart in the grand scheme. Am I accomplishing what God has called me to do? How can I maximize my potential?" Have you asked yourself these questions at any time in your life?
Join our Bible Study and Mentorship Program as we delve deeper into the Word of God, discover the answers to the questions that may arise in your heart and mind.
My mandate is Educating, Enriching, Enlightening, Encouraging, Enhancing, and Empowering individuals seeking to fulfill their potential. To embrace God's callings, to activate their Gifts and Talents while living Productive, Wholistic Lifestyles in the Kingdom of God.
My Ultimate Purpose is to Bring Praise, Honor, and Glory to God in Jesus' Name