Ana Lilia

For the last 7 years, I've guided thousands of people to intimately connect with their breath as a pathway for transformation. I create personalized healing journeys by combining breathwork, intuitive guidance and curated music. The combination of my clairvoyance and the active breathing creates an accelerated healing session. This work is deep. It's transformative. It's for anyone who is ready to show up for themselves and change their life. I see your beautiful light, your gifts, and I want you to see them too. To celebrate them and share them with the world. I want to help you manifest your biggest dreams.

I regularly facilitate Breathwork experiences within corporations - Facebook, Hyundai, Columbia Records, USC, Accenture, Vistage, American Heart Association. My work has been featured on NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, BravoTV, Los Angeles Times, Harper's Baazar, among other publications.

Upcoming (2)

Past (125)
