3rd Place
What is 3rd Place?
3rd Place is creating authentic, experience-based events that are open to all humans ready to have thought-provoking and new experiences. We are reinventing how we connect with all people, including ourselves.
Why is it called 3rd Place?
Modern life has gradually shifted to where there are now only two consistent living environments (or in many cases, one physical space with two states of mind): home ("first place") and the workplace ("second place").
Other places, like cafes, gyms, churches, clubs, libraries, and others are largely situational, or in many cases, transactional (such as stores and theaters).
We have lost a true third place.
What do we do?
At 3rd Place, we offer secure hang-out spaces while also curating a variety of special events. We are challenging the social norms of where we go to rest and play, breaking away from a profit-driven paradigm in the process.
When was the last time you’ve been thrown into a deep conversation with a stranger, or played with physical stimulus in weird and fun ways? How often do you share something deep about yourself, or get excited about something new?
3rd Place’s vision is to revive these authentic, secure, and inclusive spaces that foster meaningful connections among all kinds of people — including you.
Who started 3rd Place?
3rd Place was born from the vibrant imagination and boundless energy of Trisha Swindell — a professional designer by trade, a prolific and successful community organizer, and an education and mental health enthusiast. Trisha has been curating incredible events across the country for various professional organizations, including Bloom, AIGA, Youtopia, and many more.
However, despite her passion for connecting people, she couldn't help but notice many natural gaps among the ways we connect that still manage to keep us apart. That's where the spark for 3rd Place ignited.
Today, Trisha is on a mission to share the talents of like-minded doers and thinkers to create extraordinary experiences and exercise our untapped capacities to connect. And if it doesn't exist yet, no worries — Trisha is up for making it happen, and she's inviting you to join the fun.