Safety Playbook
for Events

We know how much work goes into planning and hosting an event. That’s why we created this comprehensive resource covering important topics like health, safety, and security.

We’ll guide you through key considerations and actionable steps to help you provide the safest environment for your attendees and staff.

While most events go off without a hitch, you can never be too prepared. So whether you’re an experienced event planner or a newcomer to the industry, we’re here to support you. Let’s work together to create events that are not only fun and memorable, but also safe and secure for all.

This playbook will help you


your role and important safety considerations for your event


practical ways to manage and navigate those safety elements


a personalized safety checklist for your event


your policies and procedures to staff and attendees

We know every event is unique

and has different safety elements to consider, but thinking about safety and security when planning your event should always be top of mind.

To make important safety decisions regarding your future event, you may choose to complete a risk assessment to consider risk factors, event characteristics, safety steps, and residual risk. While we can’t plan for everything, this process helps you to make informed, confident decisions for your event.

To provide credible resources for you to reference during your planning process, we've partnered with risk management experts at the Chertoff Group. This work is informed by published guidance provided by the US Government, international public health authorities, and other security-focused organizations. For more resources to review, please see the list at the end of this playbook.

Notice: This Playbook and accompanying materials are provided for general information only and are not medical, legal, or professional advice. You are solely responsible for assessing and implementing the appropriate safety and security measures to be taken at your event(s) (including whether practices other than those discussed may be appropriate), and for assuring compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and orders. Each of Eventbrite and Chertoff Group, LLC expressly disclaims liability for any loss or damage that results from any application of, or reliance upon, anything in this document by you, your agents, or your guests. Please consult your legal counsel, insurance advisor, and other professionals for tailored advice on your legal obligations and how to mitigate risk at your events.

Eventbrite has prepared these materials with information that it believes are current as of the date listed. You should review the most up-to-date resources and applicable local laws, regulations, and orders on a regular basis leading up to your event, which should take precedence over any of the general information presented in this guide. Each of Eventbrite and Chertoff Group, LLC expressly disclaim any duty to update this guide.

Our four-stage process to


Assess your event's unique safety needs

Understand your event’s specific safety steps by completing an event-risk assessment

Consider safety steps and develop a safety plan

Review general safety steps for events and develop your personalized event safety plan

Communicate your policies and procedures

Be explicit about safety and security measures and what’s required of your attendees and staff

Use your safety checklist and implement safety steps

Run through your pre-event checklist, make updates based on new information, and prioritize safety at your event

Assess your event's unique safety needs

This section will help you identify inherent safety considerations that may affect your event, as well as understand your mitigation options

Creators have a responsibility for the wellbeing of their staff and attendees at their event. It’s important to recognize that every event has unique characteristics that can increase or decrease the risks facing your staff and event goers. These factors may include the location of the event, number of event goers, and the content of the event.

This assessment allows you as an event organizer to consider the various factors, event characteristics, and safety steps that may be prevalent to an event like yours, and offers a simple way to stay up to date with new information and guidance regularly as your event approaches.

While we can never plan for everything, this process helps you to make informed, confident decisions for your event.

Before you begin, it's important to understand the following:

It's your responsibility to get up-to-date information about how local issues (i.e., weather, crime, public health considerations, etc.) are affecting your region. It's important to follow local recommendations and restrictions and to proactively collaborate with local authorities. The information you receive from local authorities should always take precedence over the suggestions below.

This guide assumes that no mandatory prohibitions due to public health concerns or other factors impact your event and that you are implementing all basic safety steps as outlined by authorities.

Event creators should conduct a self-assessment. This exercise may help bring to the forefront certain safety issues of which you were unaware, allowing you to make well-informed decisions.

Ready to complete the safety assessment and mitigation exercise?

Identify, reduce, and measure risk at your event in three easy stages.


Consider safety steps and develop a plan

This section will help you take steps to prevent or manage risks at your event

All event creators should think about whether each of the general safety and security steps outlined below applies to their event. Complete your safety checklist to capture and confirm which safety and security measures you have considered and selected to use at your event.

Using this checklist as a guide, you can create an “event safety plan” tailored to your event. Reference your completed risk assessment for the event-specific safety steps to follow based on your event's unique characteristics, and list the event-specific safety steps following the checklist.

Ready to complete the safety assessment and mitigation exercise?

Identify, reduce, and measure risk at your event in three easy stages.


Communicate your policies and procedures

This section will help you communicate your safety policies and procedures to your staff and attendees

Attendees and staff play a critical role in event safety before, during, and after an event. Communicating basic safety requirements and, in some cases, seeking positive affirmation of these requirements are crucial to promoting a safe, smooth, and welcoming environment for all.

Considerations for communicating your policies and procedures:

What to communicate

In addition to your policies and procedures, consider sharing your decision-making process, what factors you considered, and what experts or organizations you consulted while making your decisions with staff and, if applicable, attendees. You may also consider highlighting any existing uncertainties (for example, the weather), what measures are being taken to reduce them, and your corresponding refund policy.

What’s expected of attendees

Your attendees may have a shared responsibility in event safety. If that’s the case, your communications should include what actions attendees should take to support a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone. For example, advising attendees to bring extra water during an outdoor event occurring during a heatwave, or asking attendees to report suspicious activity. Informing and educating attendees about the characteristics of the event and the proactive safety steps they can take helps promote the wellbeing of everyone.

When to communicate

You can choose to share this information before someone purchases a ticket, such as on your website or ticket listing page, in a confirmation email after they have purchased a ticket, and/or in later emails or social media posts leading up to the event in the case that there are changes. Communications at the event should remind attendees to comply with your policies to ensure everyone's safety. Once you’ve communicated your safety precautions, it’s important to listen for feedback and concerns before, during, and after your event, and be responsive to your attendees.

Know your audience

Identify and address potential language, cultural, and disability barriers associated with communicating safety and security information to event staff and attendees. Information you share should be easily understood by everyone attending the event. Use both signs and audio announcements to communicate event rules.

Ready to complete the safety assessment and mitigation exercise?

Identify, reduce, and measure risk at your event in three easy stages.


Use your safety checklist and implement safety steps

This section will help you use your safety checklist and implement safety steps

Now that you’ve thought through some of the potential concerns, developed a safety plan, and communicated your corresponding policies and procedures, let’s put your plan into action.

Use the completed general safety and security checklist as a guide to capture which safety and security measures are in place, and know how you'll respond in the case of an incident. If applicable, share your event safety plan with your staff before the event, and make sure they are clear on their roles and responsibilities.

Be sure to re-check local regulations and rules the day before and the day of your event for potential changes.

Remember: Your risk assessment and safety checklist can and may change based on new risk types, local regulations, and/or the nature of the event. Be sure to keep tabs on any factors that could influence your event, and adjust your assessment and safety checklist accordingly.

To recap

Before you plan your event

Conduct a risk assessment and identify ways to implement safety steps

Review the safety steps and complete your checklist

To capture what safety and security measures you’ve considered and selected for your event

Communicate your safety policies and procedures

To your attendees and staff

Review this information regularly

And use your safety checklist the day of your event to confirm you’re implementing the selected steps

Additional resources

Congratulations for taking this big step toward keeping your staff and attendees safe at your next event. We can’t wait to see what you create!

Learn more about how to stand up for policies that empower event organizers and support safe gatherings at Eventbrite Advocacy!

About The Chertoff Group

Founded in 2009, The Chertoff Group is an advisory firm that helps our global clients understand, manage, and communicate on security risk. Our highly qualified and experienced team possesses a mix of commercial and public sector backgrounds and is well positioned to serve global Fortune 500 enterprise clients across multiple sectors, as well as government agencies.The Chertoff Group advised Eventbrite on best practices for effective security risk management. Ben Joelson, Managing Director at The Chertoff Group said, “Many of the principles that companies, individuals, and venues adopted during COVID-19 - understanding the ‘threat,’ preparing mitigation strategies, and choosing to accept or manage risks - can be applied to additional hazards. That’s precisely what we have endeavored to do here with Eventbrite’s Safety Playbook.” Importantly, this guidance is designed to apply broadly to most event and venue types and empower creators to make informed decisions about risk management before hosting an event. “The safe return to live events is worth striving for and we are honored to partner with Eventbrite to help event creators address relevant risks,” said Joelson.