These Community Guidelines are incorporated into the larger and more comprehensive Eventbrite Terms of Service. Capitalized terms that have not been defined here, such as ‘Organizer', ‘User’, and ‘Services', have the same definitions that Eventbrite uses in the Terms of Service. We have the discretion to remove or restrict access to any content we determine violates our Community Guidelines or Terms of Service. To learn more about Eventbrite's Legal Terms, take a look here.

Building a Brite Community
From marathons and movie festivals to culinary classes and comedy shows, we encourage you to create events that unite your community. To host events that help facilitate a safe and trusted marketplace, read our Safety Playbook and guide on Best Practices for a High-Quality Event Listing.
Our Community Guidelines apply to all content published on our platform, including but not limited to event listings, images, videos, emails, and content generated through AI. Because of the unique nature of our marketplace, these prohibitions extend not only to the specific content shared through the marketplace but also to activities occurring at a live event ticketed on the marketplace.
In some contexts, including but not limited to academia or education, content that might otherwise be violating may be permitted by our policies, at our sole discretion, provided that the context and content make the intent clear. Please note that some aspects of these Guidelines are maintained to adhere to our payment processors' acceptable use policies, including but not limited to certain restrictions on cannabis, adult content, and gambling. Additionally, while these Guidelines are generally applicable globally, some Guidelines may differ in some jurisdictions. It’s important that you abide by the local laws and regulations where applicable. Below, you will find our current list of prohibited content. Please note that the list (and the illustrated examples) isn't exhaustive, and we may add to it or improve upon it, so it is important that you continue to check in on any modifications or updates frequently.
Violating Content
Animal Abuse
Our prohibition on Animal Abuse includes but is not limited to:
- Illegal hunting
- Maiming, mutilation, torture, wounding, or killing outside of standard practices, such as food preparation or legal hunting
- Trafficking, trade, or other illegal commercial exploitation of endangered animals and their products
- Sexual abuse of animals, including bestiality
Our prohibition on Bullying includes but is not limited to:
- Online bullying, shaming, blackmailing, doxxing, or abusive or threatening treatment of others such as demeaning, insulting, or expressing disgust or contempt for an individual’s physical appearance, intellect, or character
- Statements claiming intent of violence, or calls for action of violence towards any person(s)
- Content that promotes, encourages, or provides instructions for self-harm, suicide, or eating disorders
- Content and/or behavior that harasses, stalks, or otherwise abuses someone
Child Endangerment
Our prohibition on Child Endangerment includes but is not limited to:
- Anything that would be considered Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM), which includes material that depicts the sexual abuse and exploitation of children including child nudity and content intended for the purpose of sexual arousal, torture, cruelty or physical abuse of children or their sensitive body parts, or any other content that puts children at risk. When instances of CSAM are identified on our marketplace, we will report them to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) and/or the relevant authorities as required by law. Additionally, a single violation of this policy could lead to the suspension of your account.
NOTE: In line with Eventbrite’s Terms of Service, if you are organizing an event where children under the legal age of majority in the applicable jurisdiction may attend, the parent or legal guardian must register the minor and/or purchase the ticket on their behalf. You also may not use our tools or Services to collect data directly from anyone under the legal age of majority in the applicable jurisdiction.
Controlled Substances (including Cannabis)
Our prohibition on prescription medication, or other Controlled Substances. This includes but is not limited to:
- Illegal or unauthorized sale, use, consumption, manufacture, supply, possession, import, export or ingestion of prescription medication, or other controlled substances
Our prohibition on Cannabis includes but is not limited to:
- Sale of cannabis or cannabis-infused products (including cannabis- or hemp-derived cannabinoids) as part of the ticket purchase
- Free giveaways or discounted cannabis or cannabis-infused products as part of the ticket purchase (including infused products intended for human consumption at the event or as part of gift bags to take away from the event)
- Training on the cultivation of cannabis, or preparation of cannabis or cannabis-infused products
- Any other illegal use, solicitation, sale, distribution, or marketing of cannabis or cannabis-infused products
NOTE: If you use Eventbrite to create an event that somehow involves, mentions or concerns cannabis, you are responsible for complying with the restrictions applicable to your jurisdiction, which may include prohibitions, licensing requirements, and/or restrictions on certain types of events and the marketing thereof.
Dangerous Organizations or Individuals
Our prohibition on Dangerous Organizations or Individuals includes but is not limited to:
- Promoting organized criminal activity or terrorist organizations
- Using coded language or symbols known to be associated with organized criminal activity or terrorist organizations
- Glorifying or praising or organizations or individuals involved in organized criminal activity or terrorist organizations
- Glorifying or praising violent activity carried out by organized criminal groups or terrorist organizations
Our prohibition on Exploitation includes but is not limited to:
- Using force, fraud, or coercion to exploit a person for labor, services, or commercial sex act(s) such as sex trafficking, forced human labor, unlawful migration, trading in organs or products made from human remains or body parts, orphanage trafficking, and forced marriage.
- Sharing non-consensual or voyeuristic content such as images of a private or sexual nature obtained or published without consent, e.g., revenge porn and up-skirt images.
- Sharing Child Sexual Abuse Material, such as content that depicts the sexual abuse and exploitation of children under the legal age of majority in the applicable jurisdiction, including child nudity and content intended for the purpose of sexual arousal, torture, cruelty, or physical abuse of children or their sensitive body parts, or any other content that puts children at risk.
As outlined in the Child Endangerment section of these Guidelines, we treat instances of CSAM very seriously and, when identified, report them to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) and/or the relevant authorities as required by law. Additionally, a single violation of this policy could lead to the suspension of your account.
We prohibit content and activities intended to defraud users or third parties by exploiting them for money or personal data. This causes significant harm to people and businesses and erodes trust in our community.
Our prohibition on Fraud includes but is not limited to:
- Selling tickets to fake events
- Using stolen credentials to fraudulently purchase tickets or gain unauthorized access to an account
- Phishing victims for personal or financial information, or to install malware on their device
- Scams such as ‘Get Rich Quick’ schemes, fake credit repair services, or other fraudulent and deceptive services
Gambling, Raffles, Sweepstakes, or Giveaways
Our prohibition on certain Gambling, Raffles, Sweepstakes, or Giveaways includes but is not limited to:
- Events held virtually at an online casino
- Events that include buy-ins for gambling activities, such as betting, lotteries, or games of chance, as part of the ticket purchase
- Events that involve giving away prohibited items such as drugs or weapons
- Events that include raffles, sweepstakes, or giveaways that:
- are not taking place at a live event, or
- are otherwise prohibited by law.
Many jurisdictions contain legal restrictions on raffles, sweepstakes, or other giveaways, including limitations on giveaways that are facilitated online. If you use Eventbrite to create a listing for an event that involves such a giveaway, you are responsible for complying with the restrictions applicable to your jurisdiction.
Harmful Misinformation
Our prohibition on Harmful Misinformation includes but is not limited to:
- Misleading content that encourages violence against an individual or specific group of people
- Scientifically or medically unsubstantiated health advice that may have detrimental effects on attendees’ health or public safety
- False or misleading information that impedes an election’s integrity or an individual's or group's civic participation, such as:
- False or misleading information about public safety that is intended to deter people from exercising their right to vote or participate in a census
- Content that encourages or instructs voters or participants to misrepresent themselves or illegally participate
- Content intended to delegitimize election results on the basis of false or misleading claims
Hate Speech
We consider hate speech to be disparagement of, discrimination against, or other direct attacks on a person or group of people based on a set of protected characteristics. We also consider hate speech to include incitement, promotion, or condoning of hatred or discrimination against a person or group of people based on the same set of protected characteristics. Those protected characteristics are race, sex, ethnicity, religion, national origin, immigration status, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, age, or veteran status.
Our prohibition on Hate Speech includes but is not limited to the following examples in relation to protected characteristics of a group or its members:
- Dehumanization, such as:
- Comparisons to animals, e.g., insects and animals viewed as culturally inferior
- Comparisons to diseases and bacteria or statements calling for the contracting of diseases
- Claims of mental, physical, moral, or hygiene-based inferiority, such as:
- Pejorative claims about physical appearance, like ugly or hideous
- Claims that members of a group are liars or arrogant
- Using pejorative terms related to sexual activity, like whore
- Harmful stereotypes or statements historically linked to intimidation, exclusion, or violence, such as:
- Blackface
- Holocaust denial
- Claims that Jewish people control financial institutions
- Expressions of contempt, such as:
- Dismissing or discounting the experiences of victims of hate crimes
- Expressions of hate or expressions of dismissal aimed at a person or group explicitly on the basis of protected characteristics. For example, statements that include phrases like: "I despise,” "I hate,” "I can't stand,” “I don’t like,” or "I don't respect”
- Intentionally misclassifying specific people’s preferred identity with a protected characteristic in a manner intended to degrade, shame, or insult
- Promotion of supremacism
- Claims that a person or group is better than or superior to a different person or group
- Claims that a person or group is less than adequate, such as calling the person or group “worthless” or “useless”
- Harmful slurs
- Words or phrases that are inherently harmful to particular people and groups because they create an atmosphere of exclusion and intimidation, or have been used in the past to intimidate, degrade, or exclude people, and they are often historically linked to discrimination (including systemic discrimination), oppression, and offline violence
- Event and societal exclusion
- Exclusion of people from an event posted on our platform. NOTE: This may be permissible when the exclusion furthers a legitimate interest for the organizer, and the exclusion is proportional to that interest, such as religion-based exclusions for places of worship.
- Political, physical, social, or economic exclusion, such as denying the right to participate in the political process
- Support for hypothetical harm
- Aspirational statements or other statements made in support of harm befalling people associated with a protected characteristic, such as statements:
- In favor of contracting a disease
- In favor of or calls for death in a generalized way
- Aspirational statements or other statements made in support of harm befalling people associated with a protected characteristic, such as statements:
- Targeted insults or extreme and profane attacks, such as insulting or degrading behavior
Illegal Content and Activities
Our prohibition on Illegal Content and Activities includes but is not limited to:
- The sale, use, consumption, manufacture, supply, possession, import, export, or ingestion of illegal drugs or other illegal substances
- Pyramid schemes
- Any other content or activity that is illegal under applicable law
Third-Party Rights Infringement
Users of Eventbrite may not violate the rights of third parties where applicable by law.
Our prohibition on Third-Party Rights Infringement includes but is not limited to:
- Uploading, distributing, reproducing, duplicating, or scraping any content on Eventbrite that you do not have a right to under any law. This includes, but is not limited to, all images, logos, videos, and text uploaded to Eventbrite. If you have identified an unauthorized use of your intellectual property on Eventbrite, please follow the process in our Copyright and Trademark Policy.
Interference with Integrity and Security of Eventbrite Services
Our prohibition on Interference with the Integrity and Security of Eventbrite Services includes but is not limited to:
- Interfering with, disrupting the operation of, or attempting to gain unauthorized access to the Eventbrite Services or the servers or networks used to make the Services available
- Posting, transmitting through or releasing viruses, spyware, bots, or other software that may be harmful or intended to damage or hijack the operation of, or to monitor the use of, any Eventbrite hardware, software or equipment
- Sharing a login email and password among team members. If multiple people help you host events, use our roles and permissions feature so your team members can log in and help you create and manage events using their own login credentials.
Invasion of Privacy
Our prohibition on the violation of Privacy Rights includes but is not limited to:
- Using Eventbrite to collect or share credit card numbers, social security numbers, financial information, or other sensitive information not absolutely necessary for the administration of your event, and not available for collection through alternative methods.
It is prohibited to misrepresent yourself or your event, or to use Eventbrite to facilitate transactions in a misleading manner. This activity causes significant harm to people and businesses and erodes trust in our community.
Our prohibition on Misrepresentation includes but is not limited to:
- Selling tickets to events, venues, or locations without the appropriate authorization
- Redirecting payment for registration offline or to an alternative payment platform
- Multi-level marketing that makes unverified and exaggerated claims of potential income that can be generated by taking a certain action
- Impersonating any person or entity, including without limitation any governmental official or public figure
- Falsely stating or otherwise misrepresenting your affiliation with any person or entity
- Expressing or implying that Eventbrite endorses any statement you make without expressed written approval to do so
- Facilitating transactions for anything other than a ticket for an event, unless you’re selling merchandise directly related to your event via our Add-Ons feature. NOTE: Any merchandise you sell must otherwise comply with relevant local laws and regulations, these Community Guidelines, and our Terms of Service.
Nudity or Sexual Content
Our prohibition on Nudity or Sexual Content includes but is not limited to:
- Pornography or links to pornographic sites
- Imagery that depicts nudity or genitalia and that may result in sexual arousal, or is posted in a sexualized context
- Content relating to sexual solicitation, the selling of sexual activities and services, strip services, sexual massages, and escort services
- Explicit content about sexual fetishes
- Content that promotes sexual violence or sexual activity, including coercion or non-consent of any kind
- Content depicting a person or persons engaging in explicit sexual activity
- Content that depicts or promotes incest, pedophilia, bestiality, or necrophilia
- Content containing voyeuristic or intimate imagery or recordings
In some jurisdictions, when content may not be suitable for all audiences, we may make the content private or otherwise reduce its distribution or prominence. This includes but is not limited to:
- Events that focus on adult sexual activity, such as sex or kink/fetish parties, classes and workshops where active participation in sexual activities is required or expected, or events where sex toys will be sold or promoted
- Nude modeling, photography, or drawing class
- Events displaying sexually suggestive images
- Adult performances such as burlesque shows, strip teases, cabaret, or pole dancing that include sexually suggestive text or imagery
Our prohibition on Reselling includes but is not limited to:
- The resale of tickets through Eventbrite’s marketplace that you have purchased on Eventbrite or any alternative event registration platform. For tickets you purchased on Eventbrite, you may be able to transfer them to someone else by editing your order information.
We define Spam as any unsolicited content that intends to mislead, deceive, or disrupt someone’s experience, typically for commercial purposes. This activity causes significant harm to people and businesses and erodes trust in our community.
Our prohibition on Spam includes but is not limited to:
- Content that primarily promotes commercial products or services, whether your own or a third party’s, with no relation to an event. NOTE: We allow commercial content when it refers to sponsors of an event, or when you are selling merchandise directly related to your event via our Add-Ons feature. Any merchandise you sell must otherwise comply with relevant local laws and regulations, these Community Guidelines, and our Terms of Service.
- Content that links out to deceptive or misleading URLs. This includes URLs that lead to unsafe or unrelated websites, that promise one type of content but deliver something substantially different, and/or that require an action to be taken in order to access promised content.
- Content that employs behind-the-scenes search engine optimization tactics to make content appear genuine or of higher quality than it is. This includes using hidden text or links, or keyword stuffing in a specific attempt to manipulate search rankings.
- Content that is repeatedly listed in an inauthentic manner intended to manipulate search rankings, such as an online event listed in multiple cities. Visit our Help Center for best practices on creating an online-only event. NOTE: We do allow users to create multiple events as part of a series via our Recurring Events feature.
- Content sent to recipients who have not opted in to receiving the communication, or who have explicitly opted out of receiving the communication
Violence and Physical Harm
We prohibit events that risk the physical safety of those attending or that risk inciting violence or harm in the broader community.
Our prohibition on Violence includes but is not limited to:
- Acts of extreme violence or cruelty
- Promotion of sexual violence or sexual activity involving coercion or non-consent of any kind
- Content that promotes, encourages, or provides instructions for self-harm or suicide
- Encouragement, suggestions, engagement in, or instructions for others to engage in violent behavior, such as:
- Promoting violent acts
- Inciting violence against specific individuals or groups
- Sharing information or materials intended to facilitate violence (e.g., bomb-making instructions)
- Using coded language or symbols known to be associated with violent groups or actions
- Glorifying or praising violent events, or organizations or individuals involved in violent acts
Our prohibition on Physical Harm includes but is not limited to:
- Events lacking proper safety protocols such as:
- Participating in extreme sports without appropriate safety measures
- Participating in risky stunts, pranks, or online trends
- Events likely to result in overcrowding, which can lead to injuries, trampling, or other safety hazards
- Events promoting consumption of illegal drugs or misuse of legal substances
- Promotion or encouragement of the ingestion or self-administration of physically harmful substances.
Weapons and Firearms
Our prohibition on Weapons and Firearms includes but is not limited to:
- Vendors, trade shows, raffles, auctions, and/or giveaways that sell, distribute, or transfer:
- Firearms, firearm parts or hardware, ammunition, radioactive substances, corrosive substances, pyrotechnics, explosives, and/or
- Weapons and other devices designed to cause physical injury, such as knives, bombs, stun guns, or tasers.