Yoga Nidra Guided Meditation

Yoga Nidra Guided Meditation

Experience a deeply relaxing Yoga Nidra guided meditation.

By Rebecca Cooley

Select date and time

Friday, April 4 · 4:45 - 5:45pm PDT



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No Refunds

About this event

Let's get together in community for relaxation and meditation deeply during Yoga Nidra Guided Meditation experience.

Meditation Instructor and Reiki Master Rebecca Cooley guides you through a meditation to relax at all levels, helping you become more at ease in your body, breath, and mind helping you access greater intuition, joy, and peace.

More about Yoga Nidra:

  • Yoga Nidra Meditation is a deeply relaxing guided meditation focused on stress-relief, recalibrating and restoring. Rebecca guides you through a series of meditative and mindful exercises to relax your body and mind, and connect with your authentic self, your intuition, your joy, and your peace.This is the perfect time to spend time with yourself, connect with yourself ❤️Relax into yourself and recalibrate to your own rhythm, your own beat, your compassionate nature. It’s your time. Your happy hour. 😊
For those who are new to Yoga Nidra Meditation and wondering what exactly happens during our time together in this guided meditation community ..
❤️ You know the amazing final pose in yoga after all the faster paced yoga poses?
Called Shavasana where you get to just rest and relax your body and mind
❤️ It’s like that – and instead of 5 minutes- you are giving yourself an hour to rest along with the benefits of rest!
❤️It’s essentially guided shavasana
It’s Guided meditation for deep relaxation and stress-relief
❤️Also known as Yoga Nidra or “yogic sleep”
❤️Yoga literally translates to the union between the mind and the body
❤️Yoga Nidra is a guided process
Layer by layer we move through and relax the body, breath, and mind to arrive at those deeper more subtle parts of self
❤️Your intuition, your bliss, and your true nature
Connecting with your true nature and recalibrating yourself to your own rhythm
❤️Through quiet and stillness, you feel grounded and centered
Allowing the cares of the day, and stress to melt away
Allowing your breath to move you to deeper more relaxed states of mind
❤️The process allows the mind to move into those theta and delta states where intuition and creativity is easily accessed
❤️An hour in guided meditation in community is deeply restorative generating much needed inner peace and connection to self.
❤️This path of giving time to self, connecting with self, growing closer and closer to self is a LIFE LONG journey.
It is the path of mind-body connection.

Location: Virtual (meeting link provided in Registration Confirmation email)

Advance completed registration is required.

What to have on hand: Yoga Mat, Journal and pen, eye mask or eye pillow, blanket for warmth

Optional: bolster for your knees

Spots are limited.

Meet Rebecca: Master Coach Rebecca Cooley offers an integrative and holistic approach to coaching which incorporates mindfulness, meditation, relaxation, and stress-reduction to cultivate confidence in career, public speaking, interviews, interpersonal communication, and relationships with self and others. She offers private coaching and Mindfulness Workshops and is available for speaking engagements locally and globally. She has over 15 years of experience helping leaders and was named one of the Top Coaches in Raleigh.

Connect with Rebecca:

Organized by

Offering an Integrative Holistic Whole Person Approach To Coaching

  • Over 15 years as an Executive Coach and Trainer for leaders in Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies, Top-tier Universities, Government, NGOs, Small Businesses helping executives and leaders achieve superior results
  • 1500+ hours of formal training in stress-reduction, mindfulness, and communication strategies
  • MPA in Managerial Leadership and Strategic Planning, graduated with honors
  • Named one of Raleigh's Top Coaches

Executive Coach Rebecca Cooley creates a powerful experience with a constant focus on you and your personal and professional goals. She customizes each program with you in mind and provides accountability, perspective, and motivation to help you achieve results. She does this through a unique and highly transformative combination of training, coaching, and support. Using a whole person custom approach to coaching, Rebecca facilitates a deliberate and thoughtful process to help you identify the themes that serve as the undercurrent of your high-level goals. She shares proven strategies to help you move through obstacles so that you can achieve your goals, and offers you targeted coaching and training on your area of improvement. She is committed to you every step of the way and provides ongoing support and encouragement as you continue to develop mastery. Rebecca pulls from over 15 years of experience coaching and training managers and executives from Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies. She is committed to learning and has a strong foundation of 25 years of research and training in a variety of disciplines from which to pull from to offer you applicable strategies and tools. Rebecca is here for you as your partner, your coach, and your Catalyst for Change!

Specializing in: Leadership Communication, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Interviews for Introverts, Career Development, Mindfulness and Meditation Instruction, Mind-Body Stress-reduction Techniques

Customized. Personalized. Just for You.