A great basic course for women who have never shot a pistol, or have limited experience. Or for those taught incorrectly by their husbands!

By 1:9 Tactical LLC

Date and time

Sunday, April 6 · 8:30am - 4pm EDT


Crossfire Shooting Sports

1390 Edenville Road Chambersburg, PA 17202 United States

Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

This course provides training in all aspects of firearms safety and shooting fundamentals. The class starts off with 3 hours of classroom training focused on Firearm Safety and Handling; Pistol Fundamentals; Gun Purchasing and Maintenance. After a short break, we move to the range (located on site) for the shooting portion. Students will shoot 1 on 1 with Instructors with backgrounds in Law Enforcement and competition shooting.

Students will need a pistol (rentals avail for additional fees), 100 rounds of factory ammunition (avail to puchase on site), eye and ear protection, and a good attitude.

1:9 Tactical prides itself in providing quality instruction in a manner designed to fit the needs of the students. If a student does not feel comfortable with a firearm after the class, they will get a private range session for free. You will not be dissapointed!

This class is being hosted by the great folks at Crossfire Shooting Sports. The classroom is on site, and the indoor range provides students a great shooting environment. They have an amazing shop with all of the necessities to get started in your shooting sports adventure.

For additional details, call, text, or email the owner of 1:9 Tactical, Dan at Dan.Gaskin@1-9Tactical.com or (863)292-1218

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