Where the Water Begins - Burien

Where the Water Begins - Burien

Learn about the ecological, geological and vegetation management issues associated with owning property Where the Water Begins.

By King Conservation District

Date and time

Sunday, April 27 · 9am - 3pm PDT


Environmental Science Center

2220 Southwest Seahurst Park Road Burien, WA 98166 United States

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event

About this event

  • Event lasts 6 hours

Did you know that the two highest tides on record in King County happened in 2022? And that 15 of the 30 highest tides happened in the last 10 years? If you are a marine shoreline property owner you are likely aware of the impacts of tidal flooding but may not know what practical steps to take. Is your marine bluff or beach property eroding or jeopardizing your house? Do you want to manage vegetation to stabilize slopes while maintaining a beautiful view of Puget Sound?

King Conservation District invites you to attend a FREE class and beach walk developed for property owners along the marine shorelines of King County. The morning class session will provide participants with an opportunity to learn about the ecological, geological and vegetation management issues associated with owning property Where the Water Begins. After lunch we will head to the beach to see the principles we talked about in action. Hear presentations from local experts and see examples of all topics discussed during the beach walk portion of the day!


  • Geologic History of Puget Sound Shorelines
  • Coastal Bluff Processes, Beach Formation and Longshore Drift
  • Unique fish and wildlife species of the Puget Sound
  • Alternatives to bulkheads and armoring
  • Managing trees and shrubs for views
  • Utilizing plants to manage water, stabilize slopes, and create wildlife habitat on your property.
  • Landscaping practices that improve or weaken slope stability.
  • Invasive weed control and native plant selection

The parking lot at Seahurst Park is about 200 yards over a flat gravel path from the Environmental Science Center classroom. Please contact us ahead of time if this poses a barrier to you getting to the event. While the classroom is on the second floor there is an elevator if the stairs are not accesible to you.

We encourage all participants to attend both the classroom portion and the beach walk. However, if the beach walk is not accessible for you please feel free to register and attend the classroom portion only. While the classroom is on the second floor there is an elevator if the stairs are not accesible to you.

Questions? Contact madeline.cooper@kingcd.org or 425-864-5527.

Sponsored by KCD with funding from Washington State Conservation Commission.

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King Conservation District promotes sustainable uses of natural resources through responsible stewardship. Our vision is to be recognized as a leader in achieving community based stewardship of lands within our service area, with economically and environmentally sustainable working lands, vibrant agriculture, and technically sound land, water, and habitat stewardship embraced by all citizens.