Tenth Anniversary  Howard World Bank Symposium @ WBG

Tenth Anniversary Howard World Bank Symposium @ WBG


Get ready to celebrate a decade of memories, achievements, and fun as we mark the 10 Year Anniversary of WBG-HUSL in style!

By World Bank Group and Howard University School of Law

Date and time

Thursday, April 10 · 12 - 4:30pm EDT


World Bank MC Building Visitor Entrance

752 18th Street Northwest Washington, DC 20006

About this event

  • Event lasts 4 hours 30 minutes
  • Free venue parking

WBG-HUSL 10 Year Anniversary

We are delighted to mark the 10-year anniversary of the Howard Law World Bank Group (WBG) ADR Program, a distinctive collaboration between Howard University School of Law, the World Bank Group, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). This unique externship has offered Howard Law students unparalleled experiences in alternative dispute resolution (ADR), mediation, and internal dispute management within leading global institutions.

Join us as we celebrate a decade of transformative learning, leadership development, and impactful contributions to the field of international ADR. Together, we look forward to continuing our commitment to nurturing future leaders dedicated to justice, advocacy, and global solutions.

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