About: Waterworks Canyon Trail offers stunning views, beautiful wildflowers, enjoyable creek crossings (often dry), and the possibility of big horn sheep. Generally considered a challenging route, it takes an average of 3 h 15 min to complete. This trail is great for hiking, and it's unlikely you'll encounter many other people while exploring. We will be going approximately 5 miles according to AllTrails. There’s an option to hike further up the ridge or make the trail a loop for those interested. Elevation gain is approximately 1,820 ft. Limited to 10 people.
Location: Follow I-90 E and I-82 E/US-97 S to US-12 W in Yakima. Take exit 31A-31B from I-82 E/US-97 S. Follow US-12 W to WA-410 W. Waterworks Canyon, Washington, 98937.
Parking and Permits: Discover Pass is required.
Essentials: Please bring your 10 Essentials, at least 2 liters of water, layers, sun protection, etc. Please also bring ankle high hiking boots for traction and possible rattlesnake sitings.
Waiver: Everyone participating must sign and return the 52 Hike Challenge liability waiver which can be e-signed upon reservation. https://app.waiverforever.com/pending/r5MfcL8UXT1457541699
Conditions for Cancellation:
(High wind, lightning, flooding, reported avalanche danger, etc.) If a hike must be canceled, one of the hike leaders will attempt to contact anyone signed up by 3pm the day before the ride.
If you are unable to attend the hike, please cancel your reservation as soon as possible to give others the opportunity to join the fun! If you have to cancel the day prior to the hike, please email one of the below ride leaders.
DISCLAIMER: By attending this event or any event hosted by 52 Hike Challenge you are releasing liability and confirming that you understand hiking, backpacking, running, trail running etc. are inherently dangerous activities. 52 Hike Challenge, volunteers, leaders, sponsors and their associates do not take responsibility for any harm, bodily injury, accidents and or damage to personalproperty. Please prepare accordingly. With RSVP, all attendees consent toreceiving email communications, and being photographed & recorded on video for marketing purposes.
Looking forward to seeing you! Please contact Leslie at leslie.morgan@comcast.net, Lori at lorisussman@comcast.net, or Crystal at crystal907@gmail.com with any questions.
Happy Hiking!
Leslie, Lori, and Crystal