Warpmode: Afropocalypse
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Warpmode: Afropocalypse

  • Pioneer Works

Join Pioneer Works or Warpmode: Afropocalypse featuring artists Jazsalyn and American Artist in conversation

By Pioneer Works

Date and time

Starts on Sunday, March 23 · 4pm EDT.


Pioneer Works

159 Pioneer Street Brooklyn, NY 11231



  • jazsalyn

More Performers

  • American Artist

Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

On March 23rd, join Pioneer Works for the third iteration of Warpmode, a conversatoin series that provokes collective re-thinkings of accepted realit with the conceptual card game.

Black Beyond’s Warpmode is a conceptual card game and social experience created by artist Jazsalyn to stimulate conversations grounded in Black Metatheories: Afrofuturism, Afronowism, Afrovoidism, and Afropocalypse. In the game, players draw cards and respond to existential prompts to reconfigure Black social and theoretical frameworks.

The game has lent itself to a multipart series—co-presented by Onassis ONX and Pioneer Works, in partnership with Metalabel—in which Jazsalyn, the Artistic Director of Black Beyond, has curated sessions to converse with various artists who have deep insights into a focus metatheory, before inviting audience members to partake directly in Warpmode.

For the third session in this series, she and American Artist will engage the theme of Afropocalypse, using the latter artist's exhibition Shaper of God as a contextual reference.

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