Walkable City Talk with Jeff Speck

Walkable City Talk with Jeff Speck


Come join us for a lively discussion with Jeff Speck about creating walkable cities!

By City of Bexley

Date and time

Wednesday, April 23 · 7 - 9pm EDT


Drexel Theatre

2254 East Main Street Bexley, OH 43209


7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Keynote: Walkable City Talk

About this event

  • Event lasts 2 hours
  • Free venue parking

Bexley Earth Month Keynote: Walkable City Talk with Jeff Speck

Join Jeff Speck, internationally renowned urban planner and author of Walkable City, Suburban Nation: The Rise of Sprawl and the Decline of the American Dream, and The Smart Growth Manual for a keynote talk on building an even more walkable Bexley.

This event is the kick-off to the City's commercial design guideline update process, which will help define how our streetscapes develop moving forward.

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