Wage and Hour:  Most Common Violations

Wage and Hour: Most Common Violations

Join us for an eye-opening in-person event, "Wage and Hour: Most Common Violations," where we'll delve into the nitty-gritty of payroll laws

By North Valley Employer Advisory Council (NVEAC)

Date and time

Wednesday, May 7 · 8 - 9:45am PDT


Shasta Builders Exchange

1355 Hartnell Avenue Redding, CA 96002

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event

About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour 45 minutes

You will learn how to avoid misclassifying of employee's as Independent Contractors and learn the difference between salary and salary-exempt employees. We will go over workdays and workweeks, paid sick leave, minimum wage violations, and more.

You don't want to miss this informative presentation. Q&A session to follow


Von A. Boyenger is a Senior Deputy Labor Commissioner for the State of California with more than 30 years of experience in Administrative Hearings and Claims Management. Von leads the Business engagement Program team and is the liaison for statewide seminars and webinars from California’s Division of Labor Standards Enforcement and the EDD. Von’s experience includes having represented Fortune 500 Companies in many labor related matters.

Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI) & Society for Human Resource management (SHRM) continuing education credit will be available.


Organized by

The North Valley Employer Advisory Council (NVEAC) is a participant in a business/government partnership between the local employers and the Employment Development Department to assist employers to do business more effectively and efficiently in the northern valley counties of Shasta, Trinity, and Siskiyou. 

NVEAC is a member of the California Employer Advisory Council, a non-profit, tax-exempt corporation. Our purpose is to help identify employment trends and needs of local employers, design and implement special projects such as seminars and job fairs, arrange for speakers who can provide information of mutual interest to members, act as a liaison for legislative issues through the CEAC, and coordinate with other local service providers for the purpose of service integration.