“Voting is NOT Real and Never Has Been. How To Stop Consenting To Your Slavery” (Part 1)
This is a time of truth being revealed and anyone, any media publication, or organization that you follow or listen to that is talking about politics or pushing you to vote for ANY candidate is a fraud, part of the corrupt system, completely brainwashed, or hasn’t gone deep enough in their healing/de-programming journey. Voting is not real and never has been. Truth isn’t an act of blinding following what others tell you is true. It’s an act of consciously de-programming/un-brainwashing yourself. This training will guide you in understanding…
- HOW you’ve been be programmed/brainwashed to believe that voting is real.
- WHY this programming/brainwashing/indoctrination was done to you from the time you were young (understanding the purpose it serves).
- Understand how you are being programmed/brainwashed every minute of the day to like or hate one candidate or the next. (You’re being played and most likely don’t even realize it!)
- THE CHOICES THAT YOU MAKE IN YOUR LIFE ARE NOT YOUR OWN until you’ve taken the time and energy to de-program yourself (this training will help you de-program yourself so you see the political system and voting for what it is – a lie)
- Get an understanding of the “New World Order” concepts/principles that are followed to get you to believe in a fake political system (Understand why “they” need you to believe that voting is real, that “YOUR vote matters” and that “EVERY vote counts”, when it doesn’t! The Elites have already chosen America’s next ruler and have every single time – You’re just “pretend voting”!)
THIS IS NOT A POLITICAL CLASS trying to sway you in one party direction or the other, this is a de-programming, “step into higher consciousness” training which guides you in stepping into truth and freedom.
The only way to step into truth or freedom is to heal all the ways you’ve been programmed/brainwashed your whole life. Otherwise you are merely a programmed slave and a robot, who will say and do exactly how you have been programmed/brainwashed to be by your masters. This is a time to become a free thinking, free doing Spirit and to step into your power.
PART 2 - “Voting is NOT Real and Never Has Been. How To Stop Consenting To Your Slavery”
This “Part 2” training will take you deeper into the fakery that is the political system and voting…
- Understand how your emotions – anxiety, anger and fear for the future of America – and what may happen to your own life and your family are being used against you.
- Learn how to stop consenting to your own slavery, as every time you vote, you are agreeing to more lies and corruption.
- This is a time to step into truth and YOUR POWER (most are too weak and too indoctrinated to believe anything other than how they’ve been brainwashed to believe about this topic).
- Uncover how you MUST go against social pressure and the little kid belief that “everyone else is doing it” (as in voting), so you feel you must vote too… that is, if you ever want to step into truth, freedom and clear out the corruption and tyranny in this world. This step is crucial and your life and your future (as well as the future of your kids, America, humanity) depends on this. It’s time to grow up and step into a free-thinking being!
- Start to understand that there is no right/left party system – how it’s all one. Trump is not “draining the swamp” and is actually one of “them” and Harris is not “for freedom” but actually for more tyranny.
- Start to understand how politics is all a big show with actors playing parts to sway you in one direction or the next. Footage will be shown to help you understand how political leaders are substituted and replaced or are mere actors playing the role of “politician”
- Understand how the Elites have already chosen Americas next ruler, that is, IF there is a next ruler (president of the United States) as there’s a good possibility that total chaos will break out right before or after this year’s “election” that will cause a complete shift for how America is run. (The Elite’s plans will be shared)
This class is part of a larger series that breaks down the lies we've been told since birth.
More details about FREEDOM CLASSES are here, along with pricing: https://www.loveguru.net/freedom-classes-with-love-guru-blaire/
When you sign up on EventBrite you are starting the process of booking your private class and paying the non-refundable deposit (for any date you want as long as it's still available, NOT the date listed on this page). Reach out for more info/questions.