Volunteer Workday to support the VA Elk Reintroduction Campaign

Volunteer Workday to support the VA Elk Reintroduction Campaign

Join The Nature Conservancy to support the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and the SWVA Sportsmen for their 8th annual volunteer workday.

By The Nature Conservancy

Date and time

Saturday, March 29 · 8am - 1pm EDT


Southern Gap Outdoor Adventure

1124 Chipping Sparrow Road Grundy, VA 24614

About this event

  • Event lasts 5 hours

Join The Nature Conservancy to support the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, the SWVA Sportsmen, the VA Dept. of Wildlife Resources, and Breaks Interstate Park for their 8th annual volunteer workday. Volunteers will assist with a number of general maintenance tasks at the elk viewing area outside of Vansant, VA. Tasks will enhance habitat for the elk and area wildlife as well as improve the viewing experience for visitors throughout the elk viewing season.

Volunteers will meet at the Southern Gap Adventure Center at 8am on Saturday, March 29, 2025. Lunch is provided afterwards.

Tasks can range from picking up small rocks in the fields so that mowers don't hit them, repair or install signage, painting, removing barbed wire, weedeating, etc. Most tasks not physically intensive.

It is a WONDERFUL time to meet other RMEF volunteers, landowners, and show support for this collaborative projects that is only successful because of its strong partners, community relationships, and VOLUNTEERS!

Organized by

The Nature Conservancy’s mission is to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends - here at home and around the world in 72 countries.

Every acre we protect, every river mile restored, every species brought back from the brink, begins with you.