Virtuel Atelye Rekiperasyon apre a-Postpartum Recovery -Haitian Creole

Virtuel Atelye Rekiperasyon apre a-Postpartum Recovery -Haitian Creole

Sipò pou sante mantal pou depresyon apre akouchman. Akomode pa Brownsville Neighborhood Health Action Center Depatman Sante Vil Nouyòk la.

By NYC Center for Health Equity & Community Wellness

Select date and time

Monday, April 7 · 2:30 - 4:30pm PDT



About this event

Atelye rekiperasyon apre akouchman


Nou pral bay deskripsyon an pwofondè sentòm maladi atitid apre akouchman, kijan pou rekonèt siy avètisman bonè yo, ak kijan pou jwenn sipò pou tèt ou ak/oswa patnè ou.

  • 31 mas 2025
  • 5:30 PM pou 6:30 PM

Pou plis enfòmasyon ak pou mande aranjman, imèl oswa rele 718-312-6156.

Event Leads:

NYC DOHMH Family Wellness Suite: Yon espas ki an sekirite, akeyan ak sipò pou moun ki fèt ak fanmi yo konekte ak resous kominotè yo ak sèvis ajans vil yo pou sipò.

Neighborhood Health Action Centers: Depatman Sante Vil Nouyòk la Neighborhood Health Action Centers nan Brownsville, East Harlem, ak Tremont bay yon varyete resous ak pwogram pou sèvi bezwen sante rezidan yo. Byen katye sa yo reyini founisè swen sante yo, ajans vil Nouyòk yo, ak òganizasyon ak pwogram kominotè yo anba yon sèl do kay. Sant Aksyon yo rann koneksyon ak pwogram ak sèvis yo pi efikas lè yo bay rezidan kominotè yo yon sèl-stop shop. Yo bay gwoup kominotè yo espas pou òganize ak planifikasyon kominote a tou.

Interpretation services are available upon request. Please submit requests no later than 72 hours before the event to

可应要求提供口译服务。请在不晚于活动开始前的 72 小时提交要求至

Se dispone de servicios de interpretación previa solicitud. Por favor, envíe su solicitud como mínimo 72 horas antes del evento a

Interprétation disponible sur demande. Veuillez soumettre vos demandes au minimum 72 heures avant l'événement à

Organized by

The NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene’s Center for Health Equity & Community Wellness uses an anti-racism and place-based approach to improve the health and well-being of New Yorkers.

Our mission is to reduce and minimize unfair exposure to risk and to advance health justice and social change.

Our vision is for every New Yorker to live in a thriving neighborhood with fair access to resources that support a healthy community.

Visit our Neighborhood Health Action Centers to learn more.