Virtual Childbirth Education Bundle

Virtual Childbirth Education Bundle

Virtual Childbirth Education Bundle

By Baystate Parent Education Department

Select date and time

Sunday, May 4 · 3 - 5pm PDT



Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event

About this event

This unique virtual class will take place over 4 evenings (Sundays and Mondays starting September 2023) of two consecutive weeks and includes a free class after the birth of your baby. The date of the class you chose will be the first class and each class after will follow that schedule (Sunday, Monday, Sunday, Monday). Once you register for the Virtual Bundle class, you are automatically registered for the Infant Care and Prenatal Breastfeeding classes.

The first two classes will provide information including the stages of labor and delivery, basic comfort techniques, medications and medical interventions, as well as postpartum care.

The third class will cover Infant Care, such as how to care for and understand your new baby.

The fourth class will be Prenatal Breastfeeding, providing the most current information on breastfeeding, including helpful tips and techniques.

Finally, you will receive an invitation to join the Baby's Home! Now What? class for after your baby is born The class will provide details on postpartum support for new parents and information on newborn behavior in the first few weeks of your infant’s life. The class includes feeding cues for breast and bottle feeding, infant sleep patterns, comforting a crying infant, information about returning to work, continued support for breastfeeding moms, pumping techniques, and storage of breast milk.

These classes will be held through the Zoom platform. You are able to attend the class via any type of device: desktop, laptop, phone, iPad/tablet, etc. The link is . You may also want to download the app ahead of time.

The link to join the class will be sent by Eventbrite at the time of your confirmation email as well as 2 days before the class, 2 hours before the class, and 10 minutes before the class. Please be sure to check your junk mail if you have not seen a link.

Organized by

We provide education and support for expectant parents and families including breastfeeding resources, childbirth and breastfeeding classes, infant care and keeping baby safe classes, babysitter academy and grandparents class. We offer several groups that support new parents and families after the birth of their baby.  We also have our Baystate's New Beginnings program which provides postpartum education and support in a “whole family” approach. 
