Virginia Beach: Remote Working? Good/Bad/Ugly? for employees & employers!
OnDemand & EverGreen! No need to wait - Start learning as soon as you register!! Take it whenever you want, for as many times as you want!!!
By Coach Michael Lin
Select date and time
Saturday, August 8, 2026 · 7 - 8pm EDT
Virginia Beach
Virginia Beach Virginia Beach, VARefund Policy
No Refunds
About this event
Webinar on "Remote Working":
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly!
for both employees and employers!
This class is designed for you, if:
- You are either an employee or an employer;
- You want to gain insights into the Pros and Cons of Remote Working, for both the employer and the employee.
If that’s the case, this powerful class is for you!
- We will be talking about remote working, from both the employer's point of view, as well as from the employee's point of view.
- Why some employees are allowed to work from home, but others are not.
- How you should approach the subject of remote working with your employer, so both parties will enjoy the benefit of remote working!
This class is "OnDemand" & "EverGreen"! There is no need to wait! You can start learning as soon as you register!
Ask yourself:
- Will a full remote, or hybrid, work arrangement, be beneficial to you?
- What professions are suitable for "Work from Home"?
- Can you work from home? Which parts of your job are best performed from home?
- What's in it, to the corporation, when they offer/allow employees to work remotely?
- Which employees get offered to work remotely?
- Will working from home be beneficial or harmful, to your job security? you career advancement?
- Do you know how to present your request, so you too, can work from home?
Did you know:
- There are employees, who are highly entrusted by their employers, to work from home?
- There are jobs, that are designed by the corporate world, for individuals to work from home?
In this class, Coach Michael Lin gives away all his secrets! He holds nothing back!
What you will learn in this class:
You will earn:
- The history of "Working from Home";
- The real advantages as well as real disadvantages to working from home;
- What can you learn from "The Art of War", when it comes to remote working?
- What's in it, to the employer, if they allowed the employee to work from home? full remote, or hybrid.
- What's in it, to the employee, if their employer allowed/offered them to work from home? full remote, or hybrid.
- As an employee, why do you need to know what the employer is thinking, when it comes to remote working?
- Why knowing what your employer is thinking, will help you with your negotiation success, when it comes to requesting remote working?
- When it comes to Remote Working, there is a giant Elephant in the Room, corporations and "management consultants" refuse to talk about, but we will talk about it in this class, because it's vital for you to learn this info!
- The one fundamental understanding that will enable you to understand why a corporation would or would not allow remote working. Understanding this one fundamental principle is the key to everything.
- What professions can NEVER work from home?
- Which parts of your job are best performed in the office, and why? What parts of your job are best performed from home, and why?
- What's the biggest benefit, to the employer, with "remote working"? (it's not what you think!)
- What makes an employee best suited to work from home? What are some of the criteria that make an employee suitable for remote work?
- Charlie Munger: "Show me the incentive, and I will show you the outcome". What's the incentive, for employers to offer/allow remote work?
- Can you get remote working deals from your employer?
- Can you get your employer to allow hybrid arrangements?
- How to negotiate with your employer, so they allow you to work from home?
- How NOT to make the request?
- How to present your case in such a way, that it's like you just made them an offer that they can't refuse?
- What secret weapons do you have, to strengthen your negotiation position?
- What/How does the corporation truly think of you?
- This powerful class will show you a secret door, and give you the secret key to that secret door, to enter the secret vault of the "corporate mind". You'd be going in there, undetected, taking a look around, reading their game plan, knowing what/how they think, what they want, what they crave, and what they will do to get what they want.
- The one category of employees, knowledge workers they may, that the corporation should NEVER allow remote working, not even hybrid, not even 1 day a week. And why remote working is bad for them. If you belong to this category, you should not request, you should reject, you should turn down offers to allow you to work from home.
- Under what circumstances can remote working be bad for you?
- How to fully utilize remote/hybrid working, so you derive maximum benefit from it?
- Video conferencing: the good, the bad, and ugly, and how to utilize technology for max benefit, without becoming enslaved by technology? How to get technology to work for you, rather than against you?
After taking this class, you will be able to:
- Gain a comprehensive understanding of Remote Working, from both the employer's perspective, as well as from the employee's perspective;
- Enjoy the benefit of Remote Working, without any of the drawbacks;
- Get technology working for you instead of working against you.