Please join us for this special guided walk with professional wetlands scientist Steven Riberdy, organized by the Dover Open Space Committee (OSC) and sponsored by the Dover Land Conservation Trust (DLCT).
We will walk through private land off Pine Street on Snow Hill to view the many certified vernal pools and learn about Dover's native trees. This special property is permanently protected by a Conservation Restriction (CR) held by the DLCT. The generous landowner will also be attending!
Walk will not be too strenuous but will be over uneven and wet ground. Wear rubber boots to approach the vernal pools. Bring polarized sunglasses to see into the water as well as walking sticks, binoculars and cameras.
Kids welcome!
*** Coffee, muffins, scones and cookies will be available ***
We will stroll in misty rain to shine. Sorry, NO dogs this time.
To learn more about vernal pools go to the Vernal Pool Association and The Trustees on Vernal Pools.
A few copies of 'A Field Guide to Vernal Pools' by Kenney & Burne will be available for $12 (the cost from MA Fish & Wildlife).
For more information about the Dover Land Conservation Trust and the over 700 acres that it protects, please go to