VENDOR REGISTRATION: Alliance Resource Festival & Family Fun Day

VENDOR REGISTRATION: Alliance Resource Festival & Family Fun Day

be among the 60 + organizations including statewide and local agencies, schools, camps, attorneys, tutoring centers, recreation providers

By 1

Date and time

Saturday, March 22 · 11am - 1pm EDT


UCNJ Union College of Union County, NJ | Cranford Campus

1033 Springfield Avenue Cranford, NJ 07016 United States

Refund Policy

Contact the organizer to request a refund.
Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.

About this event

  • Event lasts 2 hours


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VENDOR REGISTRATION: SPRING 2025 Special Needs Resouce Fair & Family Fun Day

DATE: March 22, 2025

Register NOW to be among the 60 + organizations including statewide and local agencies, schools, camps, attorneys, tutoring centers, recreation providers, nonprofits and special education leaders and policymakers.

Every year we SELL OUT of vendor tables quickly. Don't wait.

Vendor Opportunities:

Option 1: Provider Vendor Table (non-school): $275

Non-profit organizations email for a $50 discount code at check out.

Alliance member schools register as MEMBER. IF you don't see it make sure you scroll down to the third option.

Meet, greet and mingle with our guests and families.

Includes one 2' x 6' Table, two chairs, access to electricity*, WiFi, and program listing.

* Limited electrical outlets. Please indicate your need for electricity when you reserve your table. Access to outlets is provided on a first-come, first-served basis.

*For children's safety, please no lollipops as table giveaways

Option 2: Tote bag Insert: $125/piece

Excellent opportunity to insert your advertising piece directed to special needs parents and educators.

You may send 300 copies of

1) a single 8.5 x 11 sheet

2) a single brochure

3) a postcard or

4) a single promotional item.

(please, no pocket folders)

All items MUST be received NOT LATER than FRIDAY, March 7, 2025


DATE: Saturday, March 22, 2025

TIME: 11:00- 1:00 PM

LOCATION: UCNJ Union College of Union County, Cranford Campus, Richel Student Commons, 1033 Springfield Ave, Cranford, NJ


9:30 Doors open for vendor set up. Parking is close by and easy. Volunteers can help you unload quickly.

11:00 -1:00 Resource Fair. Superheros, Carnival Games, Door Prizes

12:30 Raffle Drawing

1:00 Vendor breakdown

Masks are optional. All relevant public health protocols will be followed.

NOT A VENDOR? ARE YOU A FAMILY MEMBER LOOKING TO REGISTER AS A GUEST? The event is free of charge to families. Click here to register

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