The meeting point will be Buchert Memorial Park in Mantua, OH. From that location, we will divide the group as necessary to float from Buchert to Red Fox or White Oak to Buchert. Bussing of people will be available through Camp Hi for start/return, but likely will not be able to accomodate personal canoes or kayaks.
If you are able to provide your own canoe or kayak and transport your watercraft to the nessary point, please indicate as such on the order form. A limited number of canoes can be provided by Ohio Department of Natural Resources and will be available on a first come, first serve basis.
All trash-collection equipment (gloves, trash bags) will be provided to volunteers by members the Upper Cuyahoga Scenic River Advisory Council. Partners represented by Advisory Council members include: The Nature Conservancy, Western Reserve Land Conservancy, Chagrin River Watershed Partners, Friends of the Crooked River, Portage Park District, and local landowners. Additional collobration with Camp Hi Canoe Livery