I was born at the time when autism was being spun off from schizophrenia into developmental delays. I did not fit the "as-of-then" markers to be diagnosed (issues with learning, disruptive behavior), so I went through the system without a diagnosis (or even knowing what autism was).
This presentation goes over how the understanding of the autism spectrum has morphed and been redefined, and how individuals like me (diagnosed or not) experience the world, including developing masks and coping mechanisms, and of course, train wrecks.
I am not aiming for pretty, polished, or professional - this isn't an academic book lecture. I want you to see inside my head. I am in my 50s. Autism is still a very real part of my existence.
There is no cost. Any and all donations go to Grace Church Mosaic Ministry, which is for children, students, and adults with special needs (including the Inspire Coffee Shop, run by members of our special needs community).
Seating is limited, but if there is a reasonable interest, this can presented at another date and/or time. Please contact me if there are other dates/times that would work better.