Trivia Night @ Match Point Brewing
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Trivia Night @ Match Point Brewing


Assemble your team of trivia superstars to throw down the gauntlet. We promise it won't just be sports trivia!

By Match Point Brewing

Select date and time

Wednesday, March 19 · 6:30 - 8pm PDT


Match Point Brewing

745 San Pablo Avenue Albany, CA 94706


6:30 PM - 7:15 PM

Round 1

7:20 PM - 8:00 PM

Round 2

About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour 30 minutes
  • Free venue parking

Play solo for a challenge or a group of friends by scanning the trivia QR code with your phone. Strap in once the countdown starts the first question will pop up on your screen and the faster you answer correctly the more points you earn. There are multiple choice, fill in the blank, drag n' drop style questions which range in difficulty and categories like Sports, Current Events, Pop Culture, History, Science, Technology, Beer and Music!

Frequently asked questions

How many questions / rounds is trivia?

Trivia is 2 rounds with 15 questions each round with a break in between rounds to refuel.

Are there prizes?

The winning team gets a gift certificate or special weekly prize depending on the theme. Ex Lunar New Year Red Envelopes or Mid Autumn Festival moon cakes.

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